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30.06.202013:29 Forex Analysis & Reviews: Analysis of Gold for June 30,.2020 - Upside channel in control and potential for the bigger rally towards the $1.800

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Corona virus summary:

Exchange Rates 30.06.2020 analysis

Most visitors from the US are set to remain banned from entering the European Union because of the country's rising infection rate in a move that risks antagonising Donald Trump.

In an attempt to save the European tourism season, a list of 15 countries from where people should be allowed into the EU from 1 July has been agreed by representatives of the 27 member states.

Travellers from China will be among those permitted entry if Beijing reciprocates despite doubts over the accuracy of the information coming out of the country.

Technical analysis:

Gold has been trading sideways at the price of $1,769. My analysis from yesterday is still active. I see further upside movement and potential rise towards the $1,800-$1,820.

Petar Jacimovic
Analytical expert of InstaForex
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