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08.12.202004:38 Forex Analysis & Reviews: Forecast for GBP/USD on December 8, 2020

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The pound fell by 217 points due to yesterday's news about Prime Minister Boris Johnson's readiness to end the hopeless negotiation process on Brexit. Subsequently, the price won back most of the fall, and the day closed with a black candlestick at 58 points. The MACD line stopped the fall. If the negative Brexit scenario is confirmed (we consider it as the main one), a second attempt to attack the MACD line will be more successful, the target is the 1.3180 level.

Exchange Rates 08.12.2020 analysis

The actual target will be the 1.3108 level (November 12 low). The double divergence according to Marlin has worked out, the signal line of the oscillator is about to move into the downward trend zone, which will strengthen the bearish market sentiment.

Exchange Rates 08.12.2020 analysis

The four-hour chart shows that the price has settled below the MACD line, yesterday's growth fell slightly short of this line and a reversal is taking place this morning. The first target for support is 1.3290, getting the pair to settle below it will strengthen the decline.

Desarrollado por un Laurie Bailey
experto de análisis de InstaForex
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