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06.10.201717:31:00UTC+00PERU: Trade Balance Records US$ 433 Million Surplus In August

Peru's trade balance posted a US$ 433 million surplus in August, maintaining the positive performance observed for 14 consecutive months, since July 2016. Year-to-date, Peru accumulates a US$ 3.151 billion trade surplus, said the country's central bank.

In August, Peruvian exports totaled US$ 3.923 billion, a 20.4% increase compared to August 2016. The exports growth was primarily due to the rise in prices (+13.7%) and volume (+5.8%) of the exported products.

Meanwhile, imports amounted to US$ 3.490 billion in August, 10.1% higher than in August 2016, due to the higher purchases of durable consumer goods, inputs, and capital goods.

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