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20.08.202105:39:00UTC+00European Economics Preview: UK PSNB, Retail Sales Data Due

Retail sales and the public sector borrowing figures from the UK are due on Friday, headlining a light day for the European economic news.

At 2.00 am ET, the Office for National Statistics releases UK retail sales and government borrowing figures. Retail sales are forecast grow 0.4 percent on month in July, following a 0.5 percent rise in June.

The UK budget deficit is seen narrowing to GBP 11.03 billion in July from GBP 22.02 billion in June.

In the meantime, producer prices from Germany and GDP data from Norway are due. Economists forecast Germany's producer price inflation to rise to 9.2 percent in July from 8.5 percent in June.

At 4.00 am ET, current account data is due from Greece and retail sales data from Poland.

At 6.00 am ET, Ireland's wholesale price figures are due for July.

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