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30.08.202110:16:00UTC+00Portugal Consumer Confidence Improves In August

Portugal's consumer confidence improved in August, survey data from Statistics Portugal showed on Monday.

The consumer confidence indicator rose to -11.9 in August from -17.0 in July.

The manufacturing confidence index decreased to -4.1 in August from -3.2 in the previous month.

The construction sector morale increased to -4.0 in August from -9.8 in July.

The index reflecting the morale in the trade sector improved to 4.0 in August and the confidence measure in the services sector increased to 8.6.

The economic climate indicator increased to 2.0 in August from 1.4 in July.

Separate data from the statistical office showed that the retail sales rose 2.6 percent yearly in July, after 7.4 percent rise in June.

On a monthly basis, retail sales fell 0.4 percent in July, after a 1.9 percent decrease in the prior month.

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