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23.10.202312:26:00UTC+00Lithuanian Industrial Production Falls 0.8%

Lithuania's industrial production continued to decline in September, though at a moderate pace, data from Statistics Lithuania showed on Monday.

Industrial production fell a working-day-adjusted 0.8 percent year-on-year in September.

Production in the electricity, gas, steam supply, and air conditioning segments tumbled 30.1 percent annually in September, and that in the manufacturing sector declined 8.61 percent.

Meanwhile, manufacturing output expanded 1.7 percent in September compared to last year.

Among the major industrial groups, production of durable goods fell the most, by 8.9 percent yearly in September, and that of non-durable goods slid by 3.0 percent.

On a monthly basis, industrial production rose seasonally and working-day-adjusted 0.5 percent in September.

Without adjustment, industrial production fell 2.6 percent yearly, while it rose 0.8 percent monthly in September.

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