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30.01.201811:18 Forex Analysis & Reviews: Daily review of GBP / JPY and EUR / JPY as of 30.01.18. Ichimoku Indicator

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Exchange Rates 30.01.2018 analysis

The pair continued its decline and descended into the area of the most important supports. The main tasks of the players to go down at this stage remain unchanged. Now, it is important to liquidate the daily gold cross (Fibo Kijun 152.42) and overcome the support of the weekly short-term trend (152.72). As the nearest resistance today, the passed levels of the Ichimoku day cross, Kijun (153.11), Fibo Kijun (153.81), Tenkan (154.22) can perform.

Exchange Rates 30.01.2018 analysis

The goal of H1 was left behind. At the moment, the main thing is the breakdown of the cloud H4. The cloud is strengthened by the support of the senior half (152,42-72). Overcoming these levels will create new perspectives for players to fall, from younger timeframes, this target will be the breakdown of the H4 cloud. Overcoming such strong supports is not an easy task, so today the resistance level can have a certain value (152.71 - 153.11 - 153.81 - 154.22).


Exchange Rates 30.01.2018 analysis

The pair continues to test the most important support for this site, a week-old Tenkan (134.31) and daytime Fibo Kijun (134.37). To strengthen their moods and the emergence of new prospects, bears need to overcome the levels encountered. The resistance in the current situation can be resisted by the next levels of the day's cross, passed the day before (Kijun 134.79 + Tenkan 135.23).

Exchange Rates 30.01.2018 analysis

The pair has completely fulfilled the goal for H1 cloud breakdown and is now ready to form a downside target for H4 cloud breakdown, but in this case, everything depends on the support for older timeframes (134,31-37). Overcoming of the supports will most likely open the way to other downward reference points and to the goal for the breakdown of the H4 cloud. The power of the supports can now provoke an upward correction. The levels of resistance today can be noted at 134.79 - 135.23 - 135.74.

Parameters of the indicator:

All time intervals 9 - 26 - 52

The color of the indicator lines:

Tenkan (short-term trend) - red,

Kijun (medium-term trend) - green,

Fibo Kijun - green dotted line,

Chinkou - gray,

Clouds: Senkou Span B (SSB, long-term trend) - blue,

Senkou Span A (SSA) - pink.

The color of additional lines:

Support and resistance MN - blue, W1 - green, D1 - red, H4 - pink, H1 - gray,

Horizontal levels (not Ichimoku) - brown,

Trend lines - purple.

Przedstawiono Evangelos Poulakis,
przez eksperta analitycznego
z grupy firm InsaForex © 2007-2024
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