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10.12.201809:47 Forex Analysis & Reviews: Wave analysis of EUR / USD for December 10. The euro is growing, but can go above 1.15?

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Exchange Rates 10.12.2018 analysis

Wave counting analysis:

In the course of trading on Thursday, the EUR / USD currency pair gained about 20 basis points, which allows us to conclude that the proposed wave C is being built as part of the corrective set of waves. Thus, the increase in quotations can continue with targets located near the Fibonacci levels of 100.0% and 127.2%. An unsuccessful attempt to break through the level of 100.0% may lead to a departure of quotes from the reached maximums and the completion of the construction of wave C.

The objectives for the option with sales:

1.1215 - 0.0% of Fibonacci

The objectives for the option with purchases:

1.1471 - 100.0% of Fibonacci

1.1528 - 127.2% of Fibonacci

General conclusions and trading recommendations:

The currency pair continues to be in the framework of building an upward set of waves. Thus, today I expect an increase with targets located near the estimated levels of 1.1471 and 1.1528. Tomorrow, the British Parliament will vote on the Brexit project, and its results may affect the wave picture of the EUR / USD pair. Therefore, the fact that the wave marking may require the introduction of clarification, you must be ready.

Przedstawiono Chin Zhao,
przez eksperta analitycznego
z grupy firm InsaForex © 2007-2024
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