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20.03.201910:34 Forex Analysis & Reviews: The dollar rises to most currencies on Wednesday

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Today, the value of the dollar rises in pairs with the rates of major world currencies in anticipation of the outcome of the meeting of the US Federal Reserve System (FRS). According to experts, the change in rates by the American regulator during this meeting should not happen, and all attention will be focused on the final statement, as well as on the comments of US Central Bank Governor Jerome Powell. Market participants expect the Federal Reserve to announce its plans for a program to reduce assets on the Central Bank's balance sheet, which is scheduled later this year.

According to experts, the Fed may signal a longer suspension of rate normalization but still does not rule out one increase before the end of 2019.

The pound sterling is declining today. Earlier this week, Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow, excluded the holding of a regular vote on Britain's withdrawal from the European Union if Theresa May, the country's prime minister, does not make changes to the proposal for Brexit terms. Michel Barnier, the main negotiator with the European Union for Brexit, declared on the eve that any delay in the "Euro-Divorce" process would lead to political and economic costs for the EU, and urged London to present a clear plan.

Exchange Rates 20.03.2019 analysis

Today, during the operation to protect its currency, which falls in tandem with the dollar, Hong Kong was once again forced to resort to interventions in the foreign exchange market. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (NKMA) bought out 604 million Hong Kong dollars amid a depreciation of the currency to 7.85 Hong Kong dollars per US dollar. During March, NKMA spent 8 billion Hong Kong dollars to protect the national currency.

The dollar index, which tracks the dynamics of the US dollar against six major world currencies, rose 0.1%.

By 06:12 London time, EURUSD slipped to $ 1.1349. The USDJPY pair rose by 0.13%, reaching 111.54 yen. The EURJPY pair rose 0.12% to 126.62 yen.

Exchange Rates 20.03.2019 analysis

Exchange Rates 20.03.2019 analysis

The national currency rate of Britain sank in pair with the dollar by 0.09%, to 1.3556 dollars. The EURGBP pair decreased by 0.07%, to 1.1680.

The dollar rises in price by 0.2% paired with the national currency of Australia and by 0.3% with the New Zealand dollar.

Przedstawiono Svetlana Doronina,
przez eksperta analitycznego
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