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15.11.202120:40 Forex Analysis & Reviews: Ethereum is number one cryptocurrency for crypto gambling and iGaming

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Exchange Rates 15.11.2021 analysis

Ethereum is truly the cryptocurrency of the future. This financial instrument is the most innovative and scalable.

A huge number of investors prefer to invest in Ethereum over Bitcoin. However, Ethereum is a priority for gambling and online casinos as well.

Crypto gambling has been a very popular form of the gaming industry over the past couple of years. A huge number of online casinos offer various games and fast payouts.

Online casino Winz.io allows Ethereum holders to play any gambling and pay online transactions directly in Ether.

This casino is not the only one of its kind, and there are still many different companies that have their eyes on Ethereum, as they believe that Ethereum and the gaming industry are a single whole.

Crypto gambling has become very popular due to various restrictions and prohibitions around the world on gambling and allows you to play these games while maintaining complete confidentiality.

Winz.io uses a lot of cryptocurrencies to conduct transactions, but Ethereum retains the palm. The Ethereum 2.0 protocol should make the game process even more efficient and accessible.

However, many crypto enthusiasts and players still hope that the new Ethereum 2.0 update will reduce gas fees since these fees are very high.

The Ethereum 2.0 update should reduce power consumption by 99%. The transition to the proof-of-stake protocol from ordinary proof-of-work will make the Ethereum network even more reliable and fast, therefore Ethereum is considered the cryptocurrency of the present and the future for crypto gambling and iGaming.

Przedstawiono Vitaly Kolesnikov,
przez eksperta analitycznego
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