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04.06.201906:47 Forex Analysis & Reviews: Technical analysis of Bitcoin for 04.06.2019

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Crypto Industry News:

The Japan House of Representatives officially approved a new bill to amend national laws regulating the cryptographic industry.

The draft law - prepared by the Japanese Financial Services Agency (FSA) and approved by the House in mid-March this year - was adopted by a majority of votes at the plenary session of the Chamber of Councilors, in accordance with the current update of the FSA on the official website.

The project is aimed at introducing changes to two national laws regarding cryptographic assets - the act on the settlement of funds and the law on financial instruments and exchange. Now that the bill has been adopted, the amended acts are expected to enter into force in April 2020.

The proposed changes to Japanese financial instruments and payment services will ostentatiously tighten the regulation of cryptocurrencies to promote user protection, more stringent regulation of trading in cryptographic instruments, mitigate industry risks, such as stock market busts, and the broad establishment of a more transparent legal framework for new asset classes.

According to earlier reports, the bill also introduces a legal change in the name of cryptocurrencies as "cryptographic assets", previously marked in the country as "virtual currencies". The draft also provides for stricter rules regarding trading in margins, limiting the leverage to double and four times the initial deposit.

Technical Market Overview:

The BTC/USD pair has made another wave to the downside as anticipated. This wave is a part of the wave 4 correction and so far reached the level of $7,739 after all the technical supports were violated. The next target for bulls is seen at the level of $7,484. This corrective cycle might evolve into an ABCDE Triangle pattern as well, so please keep an eye on the further developments.

Weekly Pivot Points:

WR3 - $10,284

WR2 - $9,622

WR1 - $9,121

Weekly Pivot - $8.545

WS1 - $8,037

WS2 - $7,438

WS3 - $6,960

Trading Recommendations:

The best strategy in the current market conditions is to trade in the direction of the main trend, which is still up. All the local bounces and correction should be treated as another opportunity to open the buy orders for a better price. Please notice, the larger time frame trend is up and there are no signs of any trend reversal.

Exchange Rates 04.06.2019 analysis

Sebastian Seliga
Analytical expert of InstaForex
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